The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the rubes that the media has a liberal bias.
The naming of things is not a innocent task....
...The party brought so-called gay Republicans into positions of power in Congress only to realize that the confidential information they held about a secret gay network...
...gay Republicans have occupied "crucial staff positions" in Congress and "have played decisive roles in passing legislation, running campaigns and advancing careers."...
...If you are getting the idea that gay Republicans may be closeted Democrats, then you are beginning to understand how the Mark Foley scandal could have been a Democratic Party dirty trick....
...gay Republicans are in reality "liberal activists" who want to use the party to advance the same homosexual agenda...
...Ominously, the Foley scandal suggests that this network has inside information about the sexual behavior of members of Congress and their staffers that can be exploited in order to create scandals at a moment's notice. Only now are House Republican leaders like Dennis Hastert beginning to understand the trap they may have gotten themselves into...
...Conservatives who blame Soros, the media or the Democrats for this debacle are whistling past the graveyard...
...Kolbe was the first closeted gay Republican to have been threatened and blackmailed by radical gay activists into coming out...
...Some liberal and left-wing groups, in addition to the gay Republican organizations,
seem fearful of what the investigation might uncover...
I can see where this is heading
Whether you loved Saddam or hated him, Baghdad tore you to pieces. Baghdad was burning. Baghdad was exploding…Riverbend was blocked in China (like all "blogspot" sites) so I never had a chance to read her words (I am computer illiterate and didn't know of proxies until I came back to Oz).
Lidle's passport was found on the street, according to a federal official, speaking to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. It was not immediately clear who was at the controls and who was the second person aboard.
"It's the love, the forgiveness, the heartfelt forgiveness they have toward the family. I broke down and cried seeing it displayed,"
Two of the survivors of the shooting told their parents that 13-year-old Marian Fisher, one of the slain girls, asked to be shot first, apparently hoping the younger girls would be let go, according to Leroy Zook, an Amish dairy farmer.
On Sunday, Ruddock said that using sleep deprivation to extract information from a terror suspect was not torture. "I don't regard sleep deprivation as torture . . . it would be seen as coercive."
The distinction he drew between "torture" and "coercion" referred to the new US laws that ban the use of torture when interviewing terror suspects, but give the OK to something called "aggressive interrogation techniques". It was in the interests of providing clarity about which was which that Ruddock volunteered his considered view.
……..for he admitted that sleep deprivation could extract dud information. "Obviously the question would be looked at as to whether the evidence obtained that way had any probity value," he said.
Curiously, this inconsistency in his logic drew little attention. For if the legitimacy of the information you extract might be affected by the very means with which you extract it, surely that distinguishes your process from any legally sanctioned "aggressive interrogation technique".